Saturday, October 2, 2010

Jersey Shore Miami Reunion Taping escapade

So September 5 I attended the Jersey Shore reunion Show. The Reunion show for the Miami season. Even though the night before they had just finished taping the 3rd summer season in NJ. So...yeah. They have to act like Miami just ended and the Miami problems are fresh, when in reality they are over them because they are all "buddies" in the Jersey season. Whatever.
If You can note the sign says taping from 1130am to 830pm wtf MTV it's an hour long show. The tickets (which were free) said dress in club attire. Fine whatever.
We are in line, and are given about 30 seconds to read this 8 page agreement that basically says MTV can do whatever they want with our image blah blah blah. Great, they then take our picture holding up the signed thing.
We are then cattled in a area with tall tables and NO chairs, where the 'food' would be provided. Now being that it was being held at Tropicana in Atlantic City I hoped that the food would be a decent spread. Something nice and hot with a few choices. No. They were plain sandwiches with meat and bread. No lettuce, or tomatoes or toppings. No waters. Only soda. Cheap. Very very cheap.
Next some girl who looked like an intern and about 21 comes over to us and asks us to put our phones and cameras in ziplock bags and give them back to her with out names on them. OK. Heres about a grand, in a ziplock bag. Great. Now I have no idea what time it is.....
At about 2pm or 230pm they start lining us up. In what appears to be who is hottest or most camera hot or whatever order. People in jeans and sneakers and fat people were getting better spots then some other people. WTF. Grenades were definitely in the chair and table section. Girls in sneakers and jeans were in front rows. Whatever.
So sit down. Immediately we are told they need reaction shots. "Everyone laugh" "Everyone gasp" "Only jan-match birthday snicker" "Men cheer" "ladies cheer". Hows about you get my natural reaction when it happens? We're not actors. After about a half hour of this they tell us "soon".
An hour goes by. We aren't allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. We have no food. it's now past 5pm and we haven't eaten again. They have no hype guy. No music playing. Nothing playing on the tv screens. It's maddeningly boring in there. And also imo really sloppy and unprofessional.
Finally when the cast comes out they all look annoyed, and understand why. After dealing with MTV production for one day, I can only imagine what it must be like for them on a daily basis. About a half hour into taping Mike (The Situation) raises his hand and asks to use the restroom. They tell him no. He asks again 10 minutes later. They tell him no again. Finally he just gets up and goes. They actually try to stop him. We're still not allowed up UTI anyone?
The host asks the same question 3 times at least "how did you feel when you found the note?" Sammi answers "What were you feeling when you found the note" Sammi answers "When the note was found what kind of feelings were you having". THe fuck? Is the host even listening? Or do they do this to get as much footage as they can?
JWoww had some weird bulge by her pelvic area I can't explain, it was weird crap.
Speaking of footage...They played clips which even I cared enough to spoil for you I can't because whoever set the room obviously failed basic geometry. The back three rows couldn't see the big screen because of a big pillar in the room. So yeah. Thanks moron tech guy.
Another bathroom break for the girl cast happened, and half the audience got up and tried to go to... apparently we're not allowed to pee when they pee....even though we can' pee yet.
Some production assistant came over and asked if everything was ok. By this point its now like 730pm and I'm light headed b/c I haven't eaten yet...and she asks if everyone is OK. I tell her no and that I and everyone else in the row is hungry and has to pee "Oh Im working on that"
I heard her say that to someone else an hour earlier. Whatever.
A friend and I finally decide I can't take anymore and get up "You can't go to the bathroom" "Im not Im leaving" we say. And we kept walking. Found some kid to retrieve my cell and camera; did not ask for ID to prove that was my name on the zip lock bag. Well thats secure.
When we went back an hour later to remeet with the group, MTV had ordered Papa Johns Pizza. About 10 for a group of about 150 people. Cheap.
It was honestly one of the worst most unprofessional things I'd ever experienced. I've been to tv tapings and I've been on movie sets. This was really sad.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ohio Dairy Farm (Conklin Dairy Farm)

Currently in some states it is NOT a felony and it is barely a misdemeanor to abuse farm animals. This isn't meant to get anyone to stop eating meat or consuming animal products. While that would be great, it's not for everyone. This is simply meant to educate you on what goes on to the animals you consume. Most people are ignorant as to what happens and they like being ignorant to it; for a reason. Because it makes them uncomfortable with good reason. This kind of behavior happens more often than you would like to admit. The days of pain these animals are put under so one can enjoy a few minutes of eating is just not worth it. If you want to be an champion for animal rights and still eat meat, please educate yourself on where the meat you buy and the dairy you drink comes from. Otherwise you support people who don't deserve it. For example Conklin Farms.
Please take a few minutes and try to watch this video:

What is seen here is
CLEARLY abuse. The workers are seen punching calves in the head, slamming the baby calves into the ground, throwing and pulling them around by ears, and tail, stabbing cows in the face, legs, and udders with a pitchfork while laughing, kicking cows to injured to stand and to exhausted from the abuse, beating cows that have been cruelly restrained in the head with crowbars, breaking their tails and laughing, and bragging about stabbing, dragging, shooting, breaking bones, and beating cows and calves to death. It is purposeful, cruel, and horrific and in my opinion eerily misogynistic. The cows are being beaten for no reason. Their adrenaline, and cortisol levels are up. You ingest that. There are some studies that isn't healthy. You are what you eat. And if these cows aren't healthy you aren't. Factory cows eat grain and corn, and live in horrible conditions. It's not good for you. The owner of the farm is seen in the video kicking a cow in the head. The owners know what happens at these farms and simply do not care. Billy Joe Gregg Jr. the abuser in the video is not only a threat to animals, but I feel a threat to all species. I certainly wouldn't let him baby sit anyone I knew, or drive grandma somewhere. Most serial killers start with abuse towards animals. He is a threat to everyone; not just animals. His sentence NEEDS to be extended. The laws need to be changed. (As well at the entire industry). Billy Joe says he should be let out because he has to continue with his training for LAW ENFORCEMENT! That should scare you. These laws that should be in place to protect animals further not only protect the animals but will also protect you. Billy Joe says he is a veteran. Meanwhile on the video he brags about stealing guns from the army and bringing them into the farm. This is wrong on many levels.
Please know where you meat, eggs, and dairy come from.

Dairy Industry Lies
Factory Farming

Please take the time to make some calls/emails if you feel this is wrong:
DA's office at 937-645-4190 Mr. David Phillips.

Sherrod Brown Senator for OHIO

OHIO House Members LIST

Conklin the owner of Conklin Dairy Farm 614-395-2936
CONKLINDAIRY Company, Headquarters
Location 12939 US Hwy. 42 N, Plain City, OH 43064, United
StatesUSA (800)336-8024 USA (614)873-3383 fax,

Write a review on their business GOOGLE MAPS page:

Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, Livestock Standards Board, 8995 E. Main St.,
Reynoldsburg, 43068; or e-mail comments to




Ohio Livestock Standards Board email:
City Prosecutor's Office: (937) 644-8151
Conklin Dairy Farms Incorporated
12939 US Highway 42 N
Plain City, Oh 43064

HERE IS GARY'S OFFICE PHONE NUMBER 614-873-8024 begin_of_the_

HERE IS GARY'S FAX NUMBER 614- 873-3383 Fax


Municipal Court Timothy
Aslaner Prosecutor 937 644 8151

sherriff to demand Conklin be incarcerated 614 873 4321


Ohio Department of Agriculture
Dairy Division
8995 E. Main St
Reynoldsburg,OH 43068
Phone: (614) 466-5550 EMAIL:

Friday, April 16, 2010

No food to eat

As of lately, we've run into real money problems. It's really hard in this economy to stay above water. Paying rent, computer/internet, gym, student loan, gas, credit card paying off, car insurance, and groceries is just impossible. My student loan is expensive, so I filed papers for deferment.
So we had to go use a food bank. And that depressed me. I was down to 24 dollars in my bank account, and that barely covers anything not to mention my insurance, and all else above mentioned. So I used Feeding America. There was a ton of stuff in the family box, lots of canned veggies (which I snobbishly dislike and prefer fresh or frozen but when you are poor you can't be picky), peanut butter, fresh rolls, juice, huge frozen pizza, a bag of fresh spinach or kale I'm not sure which. a huge bag of soft rolls, a huge chocolate cake, orange juice, lots of tuna, cans of chicken, can a shrimp, dry milk, a huge box of variety oatmeal, mac and cheese boxes, spaghetti and bow tie pasta, about 3 jars of different pasta sauces, dried split peas, apple sauce, mixed fruit cups, a lot of soup, baked beans...random small mini candys were in the box.
They also gave us a list of other food banks. We used another one the next week with similar results. Lots of stuff and very nice helpful people.
I just have to to still purchase fresh vegetables and my vegan milks and yogurts and vegetarian meat. I wish the food banks gave out some healthier stuff like fresher foods. But honestly when you have 24 dollars in your bank account you can't be as picky as you normally are, and you learn to deal for a short amount of time. You learn to eat what you have, not what you want. There are certain things i refuse to cut like the gym and internet. I need to gym to be healthy, and I need the internet to look for jobs and such.
The economy sucks. But I am grateful there are places like this out there to help those in need. I never thought I would need a food bank, ever. Using a food bank was a very humbling experience.
It's hard not being able to keep up with those around you.

Friday, January 8, 2010

No marriage equality in NJ, at least not yet.

Over the years the definition of marriage has changed. I as a woman no longer the property of my husband. And I can get a divorce. Marriage has changed, we as a society change and evolve as time goes on. We must it’s called progress. Anti-miscegenation laws were laws that used to ban interracial marriages. These laws were in place, and these laws showed that marriage was defined as one a couple of the same race. Some people claimed it was a sin and it was immoral, and against what God wanted. That doesn’t mean it was right. But Loving Vs Virginia fought for that right, that people though was wrong, immoral, and a threat to society.
Granting Same Sex couples equality, will not be a threat to anyone’s relationship. We are America, we are about civil liberties, and about equal rights. Our constitution says everyone must be treated equally and allowed the same rights and privileges. The marriage equality act provided the religious freedoms to allows churches to opt out of allowing same sex couples to marry. When women were allowed to vote, that was a threat, when blacks were given all the same equalities white had, that was a threat.
During the Senate Session on Thursday Senator Gill gave one of the most beautiful and eloquent cases for Marriage Equality, she said “just because this is not a racial injustice does not mean that it is not a civil rights injustice"
Senator S. Kean on the other hand gave one of the most disgusting speeches of the day and probablly will be remembered as one of the most disgusting of the fight. Listen here and see for yourself. He said a number of things “The fact of the matter is they deserve to have rights, they deserve to have things that the rest of us as Americans have"; he gushed about how he has one of the “gayest” districts in the state, and “they” bring up property values. Then voted no. Sean Kean was truly a hypocrite. His speech was disgusting, and patronizing. Sean Kean, I live in District 11, your district, and I'm not voting for you. You just lost a vote, I'm sure I'm not the only one. Hypocrite, and coward....
Senator Loretta Weinberg also spoke.
Senator Sweeney, who is slated to be Senate President couldn’t decide so he didn’t vote and abstained. He is supposed to lead the Senate soon, and he abstained. Nervous yet? I know I am. He's going to be in charge and he can't form an opinion.
The opposition cried this should be let to the people and voted on in referendum. Why? Because it’s always best to have the already comfy majority make laws that deal with the minority and not them. I've seen them say it's such a small percent of the population of NJ, that has problems with civil unions. By their statistics less than 1% of NJ population. Even so, if you can fix that with no harm and change to yourself, why woulnd't you want to better the life of fellow citizens. The women lost rights to vote when it was in referendum in the states, and the blacks didn’t do much better when left up to referendum. Why do we have elected officials if they aren’t there to vote for us, why don’t vote in referendum on every bill and act then?

The opposition held signs about God, and Religion. America is not a theocracy. I do not want America to turn into one. Those against it, are always the same ones first to say "I want the government out of my personal life!" "I don't want a nanny state!" But they are first in line if they feel the nanny will make everyone like them, and patrol the morality. Turning this country into a Theocracy is dangerous, Iran and Saudi Arbia are both ones. I don't know about you, but I'd feel better living next to people doing things I may not agree with than being forced to live as them. I feel my rights are being threatened allowing a group ro pressure using religion, what is to stop other religious groups to either take away or prevent me from freedoms because it’s immoral and sinful to them. They cry it’s an abomination; but they’ve turned it into a religious/moral issue. What if a certain community said finding Kosher food is a pain, so is eating out at restaurants. You know what else is to, pork. Pork is bad. Lets make pork illegal, and lets make every restaurant have to sell and prepare only Kosher foods. You bet your ass this vegetarian would be out there protesting for the right to eat pork. This frightens me NJ Senators.
This frightens me a great deal.
The opposition held signs with phrases such as the purpose of marriage can’t happen with two people of the same gender. Insinuating childbirth I can only gather. I guess then that infertile couples, old couples, and couples that chose not have children can’t get married as well. They had signs about Children deserve both a mother and a father. Homosexual couples already raise children, and do a wonderful job of it. I’m sorry NJ, was I not aware of it being illegal to be a single parent? Is there some sort of lobby to snatch kids out single parent homes I wasn’t aware of? Marriage like I said in my last blog isn't always a union that is religious, otherwise all non believers wouldn't get married. It's unnatural they say. So is food coloring, artificial flavors, and a host of other things.
Civil unions aren’t working. Nothing we can do on a state level will fix that ERISA is set it to trump state law.. Senator Gill pointed that out. It will only be a waste of tax payer money to create committees to fail in this. Federal insurance policies state “husband or wife” not “Civil Partner”. Separate but equal can’t be equal. It's textbook discrimination. It never has been that way in American history. I’m very disappointed in NJ. I have the right to marry, as I’m heterosexual. I had nothing to gain by this bill passing other than the knowledge that I didn‘t sit by and let a fellow citizen be pushed down and turned into a sub-class citizen. It's a civil right and equality issue, it has nothing to do with a threat to a religion. This isn‘t a fight just for the LGBT community. It should be a fight for everyone and anyone, who cares about equality. “That the desires of the majority of the people are often for injustice and inhumanity against the minority is demonstrated by every page of history of the whole world” John Addams once said. I’m saddened NJ couldn’t start a new page. I'm saddened that NJ couldn't make History in the new year by doing the right thing. I'm saddened by the hurt, and pain, and further injustice I will see of my fellow citizens.

You can watch Video clips here. (wait they are in the back of the bus? And their civil liberties are threatened?) To watch people celebrate and say it feels great as you push down others makes me sick to my stomach. Please take the time to watch the clip. they say they are being forced to the back of the bus, and are worried about civil liberties, and can't practice their civil rights? Stunned and shocked. I'm horrified at the woman who shouts "Hallelujah!", I'm further horrified at her husband who smiled and compared this to "winning a wrestling match". What did you win? Did you win the pain, heartbreak, and suffering at others because they don't share your opinion? If you want to call them less than human, you treat them less than human. Thats whats happening.
There are a good collection of clips here and photos. Please take the time to view the photos. I'm not sure how anyone with good conscience can look at the photos of the pain, and tears and think they've done the right thing.
I know it will happen in my lifetime, I just hope sooner than later.

Edit to add:
I just found this page that suggests when you call to ask them not support the bill to use "Government should never endorse sin" as a reason.
America the Theocracy here we come!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Avatar Review (contains mild spoilers but nothing really)

First off, I hate CGI........
I know.
I can't stand it. I think it's normally over-saturated and I just end up feeling very disconnected from the movie. I hate The Matrix, I hate Star Wars, (but like the original trilogy better then the newer more CGI 00s trilogy), and while I like the story in LOTRs, each of those movies could have easily been an hour shorter each.
So I went to see Avatar, Darrell wanted to see it. I was meh about it, but we had free tickets to AMC and you can only use them on movies that have been out for two weeks, so that didn't leave much options.
OK, so I'll admitt. Avatar is breathtaking. The scenery and images are great. It did look like I was watching Planet Pandora on Blu-Ray. But you know what that can't and shouldn't hold the movie.
I didn't see it in 3d or Imax.
But that is were the problem is. I felt there wasn't much else to the movie. The plot "
A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home" (as taken from
OK, sure thats there, but the film is abough 60% CGI and about 40% real. I'd venture to say it's far more like 75% CGI.
The plot...
It was was cliche ridden.....for real.
I'm tired of Hollywood using this HUGE "save the evironement, global warming, go green, theme". And I'm into being green. But I don't want it shoved down my throat.
So the Navi have nothing, so therefore they are one and in touch with nature, mystical, and are able to communicate with animals? Like even if they go to ride an animal they become with it and communicate that way. Really? Cliche much.
Then here we go, the humans and mainly the Americans see profit and $$$ and we just smash and crush everything to get it. Yeah I know I get it, we suck as a race and should change and be nicer, but it's never going to happen. (Same thing with D9, of course that would happen!). The wheelchair bound ex marine suddenly gets legs via his Avatar...(wow, cliche!) and suddenly feels more connected to that. He has to take over because apparenlty making these Avatar is a buttload of money, and connected to your DNA, and his PhD twin bother was supposed to use this one, but he died. So they figure to just use him. I really can't see that happening, since he's not trained for it but OK.
I guess I like the the underlying theme that love can happen anywhere besides what you look like and love the person "bonded for life" or whatever, but I'm also sick and tired of every movie needed to but love in it.
It was good, but it in my opinion wasn't anywhere as good as people say. It was good, but I can't help but feel as if I've already seen this before.
I dunno it was good but not THAT good.