Please take a few minutes and try to watch this video:
What is seen here is CLEARLY abuse. The workers are seen punching calves in the head, slamming the baby calves into the ground, throwing and pulling them around by ears, and tail, stabbing cows in the face, legs, and udders with a pitchfork while laughing, kicking cows to injured to stand and to exhausted from the abuse, beating cows that have been cruelly restrained in the head with crowbars, breaking their tails and laughing, and bragging about stabbing, dragging, shooting, breaking bones, and beating cows and calves to death. It is purposeful, cruel, and horrific and in my opinion eerily misogynistic. The cows are being beaten for no reason. Their adrenaline, and cortisol levels are up. You ingest that. There are some studies that isn't healthy. You are what you eat. And if these cows aren't healthy you aren't. Factory cows eat grain and corn, and live in horrible conditions. It's not good for you. The owner of the farm is seen in the video kicking a cow in the head. The owners know what happens at these farms and simply do not care. Billy Joe Gregg Jr. the abuser in the video is not only a threat to animals, but I feel a threat to all species. I certainly wouldn't let him baby sit anyone I knew, or drive grandma somewhere. Most serial killers start with abuse towards animals. He is a threat to everyone; not just animals. His sentence NEEDS to be extended. The laws need to be changed. (As well at the entire industry). Billy Joe says he should be let out because he has to continue with his training for LAW ENFORCEMENT! That should scare you. These laws that should be in place to protect animals further not only protect the animals but will also protect you. Billy Joe says he is a veteran. Meanwhile on the video he brags about stealing guns from the army and bringing them into the farm. This is wrong on many levels.
Please know where you meat, eggs, and dairy come from.
Dairy Industry Lies
Factory Farming
Please take the time to make some calls/emails if you feel this is wrong:
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